Today I share with you a recent interview I had the chance to do with Carl at 1500 Days to Freedom. It was one of the most enjoyable posts I've collaborated on! If you haven't yet, definitely go check out his site. Apart from being intuitive and engaging, exploring Carl's site reveals how genuine and interesting he is. He doesn't take himself too seriously, and he has lots of jovial yet compelling posts, such as his passion for Tesla and his bucket list. When I came across his 10 Questions series, I thought "why didn't I think of that!" Such a cool way to get to know the people behind various blogs and sites. Too often we just go to sites to consume information, yet we don't consider the fact that there are one or more humans behind that site, with favorite foods, pet peeves, rich experiences, and maybe some regrets. It's so interesting to learn about others in our community, their paths, their motivation, and their vision for the future. Give it a read! With that being said, here is my interview for the 10 Questions.